Channel: Comments on: Jump-start your forum with content from ForumsFirst

By: Bob

This feels somehow duplicitous...how can I [as a visitor to your site] distinguish between 'paid' [forumsfirst] content and 'organic' [real visitor] content. I don't think that copywritten content and user-generated content should be confused as the same thing. I understand the need to kickstart a site with content, but this feels like we are blurring the lines here in an uncomfortable way. Sorry to be debbie downer...

By: Rangoon

Debbie Downer, there's nothing uncomfortable here. The whole point is that you're not supposed to be able to distinguish between the paid and real content. That is why it's so effective in helping a website started. And of course, the ForumFirst would be scrapped after the new website got up on it's legs and started walking.

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